
It seems
death comes slowly
overtakes you
not suddenly

you get used to it
it gives you time
– time for what?

do you
are you
will you ever be
are you always

death is “the end”
the end of a trip
the end of a love-affair
the end of you
the end of what you thought was “you”

There is always more
more you
more life
more life without you

all the life
I don’t live
just pours out of me
to be lived
to be felt

I don’t know how to die
I’ve never done it before…

Zitta 2021

To Larry

You are scared
that by cleaning up
your drawers
you will find the roaches
in the corners

I am scared
that by cleaning up
my drawers
I will find emptiness
– clean and orderly emptiness

I am scared
that if I speak
I’ll never stop
and will lose all
– we both will

I am scared
that if I speak my words
the feelings
my feelings
will get lost
in the words

I am scared
that being unhappy together
is better than being alone

I am scared
that if I open my heart
– and eyes
– to the tears
we will all drown

Zitta 2021


In the night
Half in a dream
The lights are flickering
Like Northern lights
Across the sky…

I find
The lights
0nly to be
Fixing the road
In the night
So as not to disturb

I rest
Knowing that all is well
And that we are being taken care of

Larry sleeps
Like he should be
Like a baby


  • Zitta 2021

Just thinking …

Just thinking...
In school,
"Grades" can only be used for the norm (if such a thing exists).

Norm (must mean?) "average" to be a useful word.
Who is normal?
No one,
I think.

Yesterday Marie turned 30.
Tomorrow we will celebrate her (going to Dina's).
I love her - 
I love them -
I wish to be just that - love

Maybe that is the norm?

Can you grade Love?

Zitta, January 2021


Reading about all the riots,
Tearing down statues
Who is to blame?
No one, or everyone?

What is justice?
A life for a life?
Paying for your forefathers’ sins
Or for your own?

As long as we describe each other
In pairs of opposites
Black – white
Good – Evil
We will be just that –
unreal puppets
who are only a description of reality.

Zitta 2021

Compliment – 2019

Paavo, my youngest son gave me a very nice compliment the other day:
Mom, I recently got into politics.
I wondered why, since it didn’t seem you had raised me with such awareness , or – even had any political views of your own.
Then it dawned on me:
You didn’t speak of your views – you lived them.
Thanks for that Mom.


I had a stroke
The rug was pulled
from under me

I stopped Eating
I stopped Walking,
I stopped Singing
I stopped Dancing
I stopped Teaching – and Learning

I stopped Loving
I stopped Living  –  in that order
Because how can you live
without love?

I woke up
I saw what I hadn’t stopped:

And I learned:
To be “normal”  –  Or did I ?
To be “humble” –  Or did I?

I woke up – and I learned:
In new ways
To new rhythms

And in another life
I lived

Zitta 06/26 – 2021